Callie's Thoughts

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

There are good things that come...
Remember how you used to be told that there are good things that come to those who wait? What a load of crap that our parents told us to teach us patience. There are good things that come to those who go out and get it. I don't mean go rob a liquor store. I mean you go out, work your ass off everyday in a job that you may or may not be happy in (hopefully you are) in order to help pay for what you want. If you want a roof over your head, work for it. If you want to help pay for a Porshe, work for it. (Maybe twenty hours a day, but you'll have your Porshe) If you want to succeed in nursing school, work for it.
There are a couple of people in my class that, well, I can't figure out why they are there. Take the annoying chick in the second row. She's like fresh out of high school. She writes all over everything she owns, including her car, which really pisses me off for some reason. I think I figured out why. It shows a complete lack of maturity. She shows a complete lack of maturity. When a person is done with this program, they are expected to be able to charge a unit in a long term care facility. (Which is where I work and hopefully will when I get done.) I'm about 10 years older than this chick right now. And if I wasn't in this program and I was still a med tech on the floor, I wouldn't listen to her. And I would hate to see what she does to one of my old people. I just don't hink she's gonna know her stuff.
Then there's the lady with the fuzzy hair. Ugh!!!! (Poor Amber who has to sit next to her for three more weeks.) She's just a couple of nuggets short of a happy meal. She talks to me like I care, which amuses me because I don't. (I don't hide my contempt of people well. Not like Shanda, she's a champ.) She said that she did web design in her previous job. I really want to tell her not to give up her day job. And to see if twigs stay in her hair. Maybe if we look hard enough, there will be eggs that hatch one day and we'll know why she has to style it like that.
But that's enough mean for today. No wait, one more thing... I kinda wish for a 2 year LPN program for these people. Because the only way that they are going to have to take this course again is if they fail their boards more than 3 times in one year. (I think) Maybe THAT'S what I should pray for at night instead of patience.


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