Callie's Thoughts

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hooray for Barney!!!!
I am realizing that I spend an extrordinary amount of time blogging about BB7, but right now that show is the one I watch the most. And look at blogs about. And get text messages for. So once again for everyone who did not understand the first time: This house is full of Stupid People!!!!! They are just now catching on to Woogie?!?!? I don't get it. Will must make millions of dollars talking people into procedures they don't need. But last night's episoe was really funny because Neil Patrick Harris was on. (Barney from How I Met Your Mother) And it was really funny while he was on. Then Danielle went on one of her drunken devil rants and it got weird. These people in the BB7 house are going a little insane.
But on to the important business... the annoying lady next to me moved!!!! Yeah! Now we just have one more person to get rid of, who's completely clueless that we want her gone. Maybe now that her friend left, she'll leave too. Then there will be peace and tranquility at our table.


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